And sometimes, it is difficult to find a recognizable ancestor of the test object, so the search has to begin from the top-level object, such as a window. 有时,甚至很难找到测试对象可识别的父类,所以搜索必须从最顶层开始,例如从窗口开始。
If there is a noticeable or recognizable object, then there arises consciousness engaged in noticing or thinking or reasoning or understanding, as the case may be; 当有一个可注意的或认知的目标出现,然后才生起相应的观察、思考、推理、了知的心;
A work title with its particular structure and function is an independent piece of work, a recognizable symbol, and the real object of infringement in tort. 作品名称具有独特的功能结构,既是独立的作品又是识别性标志,是现实的侵权对象。